When contractors for roofing homes mess up
Normally when roofs begin to deteriorate, it is an instinct of homeowners to call the nearest company that offers roofing homes service at an affordable price. Based on friends and neighbors’ recommendation, he would choose a roofer who is trustworthy enough for the job. The owner may also check the contractor’s work background to see his credentials and technical skills. But there are times when following the standard process in choosing the best roofers does not suffice. Even if you are careful and vigilant, you may still end up with a roofing company with unsatisfactory performance. What do do?
Customer service
First of all, there are tell-tale signs that a particular company is not professional. Never award a contract to an individual that you have not seen yet in person. Insist a personal interview prior to contract signing. Call their office for an appointment and inquire about your roofing homes dilemma. If the phone is busy, make sure to ask for a return call. Contractors who don’t even bother to call back are plain unprofessional. No matter how busy they are, a return call is an act of respect for the client.
The Start Date
Just like any other kind of job, roofing homes should have a start date and a deadline of completion. Since the job depends on weather condition, you have to make adjustments in the time frame in cases of unexpected rain storm or sudden hurricane. Of course, you cannot expect the workers to deliver the task even on violent weather conditions. They might get injured and you will be held liable for their medical and recovery expenses. However, it is a different situation if they promised to start on a specific day and they didn’t show up even if the sun is shining bright. When this happens, call their office and politely ask for a valid reason. Remember to stay collected in times like this. Request for a money refund if necessary. Don’t hesitate to ask for financial damages if this will mean additional expenditures on your part.
Unsatisfactory Workmanship
Usually, poor performance is discovered when it’s already too late. In the beginning, you may even give praises to the contractor for a well done roofing homes service. Then the rain starts to fall again and you are shocked that the leaking water is not yet solved. This will definitely make you frustrated and disappointed. Not only you lost hard-earned money for a useless job, you also lost important time and energy for a failed project. What would you do? Of course, you will have to call the contractor’s office very quickly and request for a roofer to sent to your house instantly. Professional roofing companies will act fast, within 48 hours, to fixed the damaged areas of your roofs. If they don’t act soon, inform the Better Business Bureau about their incompetent job. If they disappear without written or verbal notice, consult the case with an attorney to help refund your money. Make it more difficult by telling all your friends and neighbors about how they scammed you.