Our HAAG Engineering trained inspectorsHAAG Engineering Trained Roof Inspectors can accurately assess wind and hail damage to your roof components and shingles. Accurate, real time information is what is needed to make an educated decision regarding whether or not to file an insurance claim. Of all the roofing companies in Denver and surrounding areas, we take pride in the fact that we are familiar with the standards of insurance carriers and their intricate policies. This is advantageous to you. We will provide you important data that can assist you in making the best decision for yourself. Many insurance companies even suggest to their insured to have the roof inspected prior to filing a claim to avoid unnecessarily sending their adjusters to undamaged homes.
If you have already filed a claim, time is of the essence to have your local Colorado roofer perform an initial inspection and report to you his findings prior to the adjuster meeting. This will help you know what outcome you should expect from the adjuster meeting. While most insurance adjusters are thorough and fair in their assessments, it is almost always beneficial to have your licensed roofing contractor present to perform the roof and property inspection together with your adjuster. This will allow you to be represented by an experienced professional in the industry who is there to serve as an advocate for your interests in making sure damages are not overlooked in the determination of the claim. It is our pleasure to assist you throughout the Insurance Claims Process, but getting the process started on the right foot will make the experience flow much more smoothly and efficiently.
Contact us today for your complimentary inspection and honest assessment. It’s FREE! You can have peace of mind knowing that your roof survived the storm or that you have the opportunity to work with a local, well established Colorado Springs roofing company that also facilitates roofing in Denver and surrounding areas. We understand all aspects of the roofing and insurance claims processes; we are a company with integrity that is here to serve your best interest.
]]>There are many places where cedar shake roofs, or wood shake roofs, are no longer allowed to be installed. Due to the higher risk of fire, Colorado is one of those places where most municipalities reject the new installation of wood shake shingles. We have seen enough damage from fires to understand why, in such an arid climate, using wood shake shingles is not a wise decision. (They make an excellent kindle for fire pits, but optimally do not belong over your family as your first line of defense for your home.)
This video, featuring the Fire Marshall for the Tri-Lakes Monument Fire Department, speaks directly to the issue of wood shake shingles, and why they should not be used in our environment. This video is a little over 12 minutes while John speaks to some other issues surrounding fires in the Monument Area, and, specifically, the Woodmoor development. It is very educational. We encourage you to watch the whole video.
Many wood shake roofs in our area have already been replaced by a safer Class A Fire Rated Roof system. Nevertheless, wood shakes and wood shingles are still present as a roof covering on many homes and commercial structures in Colorado. They are very aesthetic and somewhat hail resistant, but an extreme fire hazard in the arid climate of Colorado. Wood roofing products include hand-split shakes, taper-sawn shakes and wood shingles. Most of them are made from the western red cedar tree.
Wood shake shingles are enjoyed by many because they provide a warm and elegant look. Aesthetic considerations are the main reason why people choose to go with a wooden roof on their home. Fire protection is not on the top of the list of reasons why someone chooses wood shake roofs, but practically speaking, in a fire-prone area like Colorado, your roofing decisions need to include the very real hazard of forest fires.
The reason wood shake shingles are no longer allowed according to multiple building codes is simply because of the fire hazard. After the Hayman Fire in 2002, Colorado Springs banned new wood roofs. After the Waldo Canyon fire, Black Forest fire and fires around Boulder and Fort Collins most areas of Colorado have banned the installation of or extensive repairs to wood roofs.
Contact us today if you would like to replace the existing wood shake shingled roof on your home. We can provide you a free estimate to know what it will cost to get into a Class A Fire Rated Roof system, a much safer roof for your family’s home.
If your home has been affected by fire, please give us a call so that we can help restore your home, and get you back to living the life that you have built. We are here for you. If you are still deciding on whether to replace your cedar shake roof, contact us today. We can provide you helpful information and options for a safer roof.
You can install roofs all year long throughout most of Colorado! There are days that it will not be warm enough for our company to replace a roof. I’ll tell you more in a moment.
Typically, as long as we get temps that are 40 degrees and higher it is safe to install roofs. If the temps are below 40 degrees there is a possibility that the shingle will not seal , so we may stop the installation and come back on a day that is warm enough to make sure the shingles will seal properly. There are multiple items that we take into consideration before we begin a roof install. It’s important for the Colorado Springs Roofer to monitor the weather of the specific location in which the roof is to be installed. Even in the Springs temperatures and weather vary tremendously from one part of town to the next. Many times in the Winter snowfall may occur along the front range while the south eastern corner of Colorado Springs is experiencing a nice 40 degree blue bird day with very little wind. In the image to the left, there is entirely too much snow on the roof. Even if the temps are above 40 degrees the roofer needs to wait for the majority of the snow to melt. The average temps for Jan, Feb, and March in Colorado Springs is 43-48 degrees. Let’s recap some of the winter weather conditions that we look for in considering whether or not we will install an asphalt shingle. The temperature, wind, sunshine and snow all play a part in determine whether it’s safe to install a roof. Not only are we concerned about the day of the install, but the following day may be equally as important.
The roofing material certainly plays apart on the limitations of each product and how each material is impacted by winter weather. Cement, tile, metal, slate and wood can be installed in colder temperatures without any ill impact on the installation. The biggest consideration in bitterly cold weather is for the roof installers. If they’re extremely uncomfortable it would be more productive and safe to wait for a warmer day.
Warm weather and summer time in Colorado is known for high winds, hail and lightning. Every Colorado Springs roofer should be award of our violent summer time weather. We have to keep an eye to the sky during the summer to make sure that we’re not caught unaware. Our installers are trained to only remove a reasonable amount of material at any one time. Once material is removed we begin to dry in the area. It is our goal to diligently safe guard our clients property, therefore we are careful with the amount of exposure that an uncovered roof has during the course of the day. Whether it’s summer time or winter we advise that every roofer should always have tarps on hand. In addition, asphalt roofs are easier to scuff in the summer and roofers should attempt to minimize scuffing shingles by utilizing foam rubber and carpet pads.
So for the most part we can install roofs all year round!
Here at Integrity Roofing and Painting we make sure that the weather is working for us and not against us at a home that is getting a new roof. It is great to be in a state that has great temps for roofs to be installed all year around.
]]>Shingles are typically not designed to resist the hurricane force winds that the spring can sometimes bring. Shingles come with integral locking tabs or factory-applied adhesives that, on occasion, do not adhere adequately to the shingle beneath because of cold weather installation, uneven surfaces, or any number of other reasons. For increased wind resistance and durability. there are a few steps that you can take to safeguard your home against these damages.
Check the shingles to make sure they are properly adhered the underlying shingle. MAKE SURE TO USE PROPER SAFETY EQUIPMENT WHILE CLIMBING ON AND AROUND YOUR ROOF!
If you locate a shingle that is not firmly stuck the shingle below it, place two spots of quick-setting asphalt cement (commonly called roofing-tar) about the size of a nickel under each tab with a putty knife or caulking gun.
Press the loose shingle firmly onto the adhesive. Be sure to cement all the tabs throughout the roof, and be careful not to bend them farther than necessary when applying the adhesive as to avoid cracking, or shearing of the shingle. If you damage any shingles, replace them immediately.
The edges of roofs are most susceptible to wind damage. If the materials on the edges of your roof are not properly secured, wind is able get beneath it and begin lifting it. It times, you can hear this if you have unsecured shingles on your roof. It sounds like clapping in a windstorm. With continued exposure to wind, these materials are separated from the rest of the roof leaving the rest of your home below vulnerable to the damaging effects of leaks.
If this is too big of a chore to take on yourself contact Integrity Roofing and Painting, and have one of the best roofing companies in Colorado Springs send over a qualified roof inspector. PLEASE BE CAREFUL if you decide to take this chore on yourself.
]]>It’s crucial to understand why these inspections are important and what to look for in an inspector and during inspection. If you believe your roof may be in need of some small, minor repairs, it’s extremely important that your Denver roofing contractor is able to identify and repair any problems before winter’s arrival. Roofing inspections are an important part of keeping your roof maintenance at its peak and should never be taken for granted.
While minor roof issues may seem minute compared to other major problems, they can easily lead to larger, disastrous problems when your damaged roof is exposed to snow, sleet, rain, ice, and strong winds. These cold elements can put a large amount of pressure onto your roof and introduce high levels of moisture, which can cause even more damage. As well as damage, roofing problems can cause to home energy flaws, which can send your utility bill through the roof.
Snow, especially in Colorado, can be extremely heavy, especially after one of our snowstorms. Your roof is forced to support extra weight. If your roof is suffering even from the smallest damage or problem, the heavy weight of snow could trigger a terrible collapse that will cost you a LOT more to fix than you need to.
Even if you believe your roof is structurally sound with the minor damage, rain, melting snow, and ice can cause huge problems. You risk not only leaks but damage to the beams that support your roof. Therefore, this could damage and weaken your roof and create dangerous instability in your support.
In the end, it’s far more cost-effective to invest in some preventive roof maintenance than it is to deal with the potential problems that result from negligence. And most importantly, it’s worth the cost of your family’s safety.
If you’re interested in having a roof inspection done prior to winter’s arrival, contact us today. Your Denver Roofing contractor, Integrity Roofing and Painting provides roofing services throughout the greater Denver metro area.
]]>In Denver, Colorado, heavy snow and ice can often damage your roof and cause warping to your rafters and trusses. One sure way to ensure your roof doesn’t gather too much ice and heavy snow is to install something called an attic ventilation system. Attic ventilation systems will allow your attic to circulate air ensuring that the moving air will provide less build up of ice and snow on your roof. These systems have been proven to save a homeowner at least 30% or more on their energy bills! Hey, that’s all good and well, but we know that it will not eliminate snow from accumulating on the roof. The only other way to prevent roof damage or a roof collapse is to remove the snow. On a one story ranch style home you can use a snow rake that is made for roofs. I highly advise against climbing on a roof laden with snow. At the end of the day you may not be able to remove this hazard and the only option is to deal with it. The safest is option is to hire one of the many Denver Roofers to assist in snow removal. To be prepared for winter create a list of several Denver Roofers that can provide winter snow removal services. The final item to prepare a roof for winter is to install several roof anchor points before at the peak of your roof. Do this before winter sets in. I’ve seen several properties that not only have anchor points installed they also have ropes that are already on their roofs. This way all they have to do is fasten into their full body harness than attach the secured rope to the harness. Now they’re ready to safely tackle snow removal. That’s a great way to prepare your roof for winter.
Another winter hazard is clogged gutters. Wind from spring and summer storms can blow branches, leaves, and other debris into the gutters stopping them from properly draining run off snow. Inspecting and cleaning your gutters prior to winter’s bitter arrival can be a tedious job but will most indefinitely pay off in the long run. Rain water and melting snow will often stand on your roof and it is crucial that they have the proper exit via gutters and downspouts to ensure that no leaks will occur. When clearing out your gutters, make sure to check the fasteners as water can often rust and weaken them. Many times with faulty fasteners the water will overflow and cause build up causing further more damage. Always ensure that your gutters are properly fastened to your home to avoid damage.
Often another hazard that causes roofs to leak is debris, limbs, and leaves that will lay in the crooks and valleys of your roof lines. When preparing your roof for winter, make sure to do a walk through and ensure all of the valleys are clear of any debris that can add weight and often will act as a barrier to rain and melting snow. Valleys in roofs are more than often the most common place a roof leak can occur so with that ensure that all the shingles and roofing materials are adequately protecting all aspects of this area.
That’s okay. If you or someone you know needs a little help in preparing your roof or perhaps even installing a new roof before winter comes in, contact us here at Integrity Roofing and Painting today to ensure your roof, home, and all other aspects are fit and ready for those bitter Colorado winters! And remember! If you refer someone to us, you’ll receive $200! Choose one of our local Denver roofers to help with your roofing needs. We will be here before and after the storm.
]]>Why do I need Regular Roofing Inspections?
To understand why you need regular roofing inspections you must first understand a few of the things that make your roof break down.
Rain/Hail/Snow/Ice: Unless you live in an extremely dry part of the United States then you see one of these at least a few times a year. Moisture can cause mildew and wood rot which can be detrimental to the structure and even end up damaging electrical components or insulation.
The Sun: This one goes for everyone seeing as the sun has yet to take a day off. Extreme heat and UV rays can be damaging to roofing materials causing them to weaken and fade over time.
Wind: Powerful winds can take shingles and pry them up and away from the house. This allows for things like dirt and water to get nestled underneath which overtime can lead to the breakdown of materials and damage to the roof.
Organic Attackers: Wood fixtures are prime homes for things like moss algae. These pesky growths hold excess water and moisture which leads to wood rot and structural damage over time. These can also grow in gutters and cause improper drainage flow and can lead to damage as well.
When do I need an inspection?
Normally you should have your roof inspected at least two times every year to ensure that you can maximize the longevity of your roof and structure of your house. Inspections include not only a look at the outside but things on the inside too like walls and ceilings. After the inspection is done you can get a quality overall assessment and go from there to pick the roof and other options that fit your needs!
A roof inspection for hail damage after a large storm is certainly needed after the storm.
If you have any of the signs of damage or just suspect it might be damaged please call: (719) 488-2800 or contact us.
]]>When asking any roof expert about their roof, people tend to leave out questions regarding the best color for their roof. Because this is looked at as a far more aesthetic question than a functional or utilitarian question, it is no wonder that it is typically paid far less attention by a given roof expert than questions regarding material types and structural designs.
However, there are ways in which the color of your roof actually can impact the functionality of your roof. Also, the aesthetic aspect of your roof shouldn’t be ignored, for many reasons, and that is why it is important to choose the best color for your home’s roof. In this post we’ll have a look at some of the different aspects that a roof expert would consider when choosing the right color for a roof.
Style of the home
This aspect of the roof color decision certainly fits under the aesthetic category, but it’s importance extends far beyond simply how your home looks. The way that your roof compliments your home can affect everything from market value of your home, to the resale value of the homes in your neighborhood, to the ability for you to sell your home quickly and at its actual value. For instance, a mild grey roof works well with a red brick home, but would clash and give a gloomy look to a more stone, German colonial style home. Similarly, a red roof compliments an adobe, Spanish-style home well, but tends to look tacky on a more traditional ranch-style home. Any Denver roof expert will tell you to consider the style of your home before choosing the color of your roof.
Climate of your home’s location
This aspect of the decision is rooted far more in functionality than aesthetics. If your home is located in a sunny and dry area east of the front range, where temperatures are very hot for parts of the year you’ll want to consider this before choosing a color for your roof. Roofs with dark colors will trap or absorb heat. What does this mean for you? It means a higher cooling bill as a result of your roof absorbing the sun’s heat rather than reflecting it. Perhaps a better fit here would be a lighter colored which will reflect sunlight, keeping your house cooler and driving down the cost of your AC bill. Most shingle manufacturer’s produce a solar reflective asphalt shingle that is worth considering in sunny regions with intense heat.
Alternatively, if you live in Colorado Springs where temperatures rarely reach extreme highs, but the long winters bring intense cold, you may want to outfit your roof with a darker colored roof that will absorb sunlight and drive down your heating costs in the winter.
Characteristics of your community
It is important to consider the ramifications of your roof color decision on the over-all theme of your neighborhood or community. Straying too far from the staus-quo can make cause property values in your neighborhood, as well as cause you to incur repercussions from your home owners association.
Please contact your Denver roof expert for color selection of designer premium shingles. Integrity Roofing and Painting makes roof replacements easy!
]]>November is here which means fall is about to give way to winter, and roofers in Colorado know that this is the time to make repairs to your Colorado roof. Winter brings with it many challenges and hazards to your home, many of which being directed at your home’s first line of defense; your roof. If you are thinking that your roof could use some reinforcement, it’ll prove prudent to make those reinforcements before winter hits and your roof begins its defense against the ice, snow, and general Colorado blistering cold winter weather. In this post we’ll look at why roofers in Colorado reccomend that roof repairs be made before winter comes into full effect.
Working in the cold is no fun
If you’re planning to do your own roof repairs, it is particularly important to get going before winter hits, as working on your roof in the cold can be a miserable and difficult undertaking. Cold temperatures make working on you roof a more dangerous endeavor as the cold causes your natural reactions to slow, and increases the likelihood for ice on your roof which could cause you to loose your footing and injure yourself. If you are not planning on doing your own roof repairs, going with a roofer in Colorado instead, it still pays to act early. The last thing you want is a crew of workers rushing through the job in order to get out of the cold weather.
Asphalt shingles are more easily damaged in cold temperatures
Most residential roofs utilize asphalt shingles as their outer roof layer and first line of defense against the elements. Asphalt shingles tend to become brittle when exposed to extremely cold temperatures, which spells trouble during replacement, as it becomes far more likely that they will crack or even break completely during installation. This causes even further trouble down the road, as water will seep into the cracks, freeze, and cause the shingle to expand and the crack to become bigger and more problematic. Repair your roof during the mild Colorado fall, and avoid all of this mess.
At Integrity Roofing and Painting we are confident in our ability to effectively repair or replace your home’s roof during any of the Colorado seasons. However, we are roofers in Colorado who do recommend that if your roof needs repairs to not wait until the middle of winter to act, as this only makes the job more difficult and possible less effective.