Nov 1, 2010 | Insurance Claims
How long do I have to file a hail damage claim? The best time is now; most insurance companies answers are simply too ambiguous The best time to file a claim is immediately after a storm in which you suspect there is damage to your roof. I recently interviewed over...
Nov 1, 2010 | Insurance Claims
Will a hail damage claim affect my insurance premiums in 2016? Technically speaking and traditional experience would facilitate that the usual answer is “no”. But traditional experience and technical legal language aren’t always accurate. I’ll...
Sep 18, 2010 | Insurance Claims
How long does this insurance roof replacement process take in 2016? While the actual roof installation rarely takes more than a day or two, when planning out your roof replacement with your colorado springs roofers from beginning to end, allow up to two months...
Sep 15, 2010 | Insurance Claims
Just when you think you are making progress by getting the insurance check in the mail, you notice your mortgage company is listed as an additional payee and an endorsement will be required. This is always exciting especially when you have a roofing contractor that is...