May 11, 2023 | Blog, Colorado Springs, Painting
Many of us live for years with paint that’s seen better days, or in less-than-inspiring colors, simply because we’re clueless about the cost of having a room or exterior repainted. Even if we have the budget for a paint job, the “not knowing” can cause us to...
Apr 5, 2023 | Blog, Colorado Springs, Roofing industry
When you place your trust and confidence in a company with HAAG Training, you know you are in the hands of the best. But what is HAAG training? And why should it really matter when it comes to my roof? We hope you will better understand why it is necessary to trust...
Mar 28, 2023 | Blog, Colorado Springs, roof repair
Winter is on the way out of the Colorado Rockies, which means spring is right around the corner. The warmer weather means snow will be replaced by beautiful new growth, but it also means your roof will be at renewed risk for unexpected leaks and maintenance issues....
Mar 14, 2023 | Blog, Colorado Springs, Emergency Roof Repair, Roof Storm Damage
Your roof is the first line of defense for your home against the forces of nature and inclement weather. And it’s rare that can you predict when damaging weather is coming for your home and where it will hit. So what should you do if you suspect your roof has been...
Feb 2, 2023 | Blog, Colorado Springs, Costs, Gutters
Gutters serve a vital role in keeping our roofs and homes running smoothly. Not only do they offer a certain curb appeal, but their primary purpose is to prevent mold, mildew, and other water damage to your roofing system. Gutters keep your home working properly by...
Jan 4, 2023 | Blog, Colorado Springs, Roof Replacement
As we begin the new year, there is hope for refocus and regained vision for a prosperous and joyous 2023. We set goals for exercising more, losing weight, becoming organized, or quitting smoking. These are all excellent goals to have! What about creating goals for...